Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Another Year Wrapped Up

WOW, it's been a while since I've blogged here.  I found the below as a draft from LAST year and thought I'd share it, even if I didn't finish the post.  I'll try to do better this year and blog more.  I think it's important for other units to see what everyone is doing.  How else do you come up with fresh ideas year after year?

I'm not quite sure where this year went.  I had the best intentions to blog about all the fabulous things our unit did to not only document the events; but, to also provide a resource for other Guiders to go to and maybe be inspired to try some of them out with their girls.

In the midst of returning to a full-time job, after 9 years at home with my kids, time for blogging and reevaluating our weekly meetings just fell by the way-side.  I've already made a schedule for the 2013-14 Guiding year though.  A schedule that allots me time to blog about our weekly adventures in a timely fashion.  I'm hoping that you, my readers, will hold me accountable and send me a message if I fail at posting an update.

In the meanwhile, here's a list of some of the amazing things we did this past year:

- Active Living Day - Community 12 hosted an all-day Guide event to promote active living.  We had 4 sessions focusing on ways for the girls to fit being active into their busy lives.  We danced it up with Zumba, took it slow with Tai Chi, laughed to relax with Laughter Yoga and put down the gonlet with Curling.  It was an amazing day and we all had fun.  Who knew being active could be so much fun...and earn you badges too ;)

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